I’d like to thank Donna at Mom’s Book Collection for this tag! She’s super awesome so you should go check her out. I say that because 1. she loves books and 2. she loves sims. That makes her all kinds of awesome. :)
- Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
- Give a brief story of how your blog started.
- Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
- Select 10 other bloggers you want to give this award to.
- Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them and provide the link to the post you created.
How my blog started
Oh gosh, I started blogging in something like 2010. A friend told me that I should start blogging for books and sent me an application. I look back at from where I startd and I’m so embarrassed! I had no clue what I was really do and my reviews were pretty much a synopsis. It is crazy how far I’ve come with this! I mean, I’m still not the best blogger on the block but I try my best :)
Two pieces of Advice
- Write from the heart. Don’t be afraid to let the real you shine through. Express yourself as you would if you were talking to someone face to face.
- Reach out to other bloggers. You’re not in the blogosphere alone. Make friends and have fun!
I’m nominating those who most recently interacted with me. If you don’t want to participate or if you already have, that’s fine. Feel free to leave me a linkback in the comments below to your post if you want!
- James from This is my Truth Now
- Steph from Lost Purple Quill
- Jami Lynn from Jami’s Words
- FrankieLovely from A Thouand Lives of Frankie Lovely
- Alecia from Cherished by Alecia
- Fizzy from The Fizzy Pop Collection
- Nel at Reactionary Tales
- Jolie at Life of a busy Mom
- Shanah at Bionic Bookworm
- Jenna at Bookmark your Thoughts
Great pieces of advice! I honestly think that speaking from your heart and just being YOU is the main thing that will make a blogger successful. And thanks for the nomination! I hope to get to it soon!
It has taken me awhile to speak from my heart. My “Hey You” blog posts pushed me outside of my comfort zone. I tend to be very private and I rarely let people in so to speak. When “Hey You” became a blog series, I was terrified. I was exposing myself and I’m not comfortable with that. But, Ive found that in doing so, I’ve found a bit of courage and people seem to appreciate the honesty ☺️
I’m glad blogging helped you to come out of your shell a bit ☺️
Oh my goodness you are such an awesome person!!! thank you for the shout out. Love your advice the blogging/book community it the best thing i have ever added into my life. P.S. Your blog Rocks!!!
?❤️ and yours does too!