I wanted to share a blog about how we calm overactive nerves with essential oils. Some of you know that there’s a history of familial Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome in our family and the trials that has brought to our lives. I’ve even spoke a little bit about some of those trials but now I want to get to the nitty-gritty of just how bad things were…
What I’m about to say is something a lot of moms with babies say, “She doesn’t sleep.” Well, the same is true for me, only my baby wasn’t a newborn. She is in the toddler years. My baby quite literally just didn’t sleep at night. Her nights were filled with screaming, pain and discomfort. She should have been mostly past the nights filled with crying, screaming and the inability to sleep. Nothing helped her–nothing. Walking, bouncing, singing, talking to her quietly, a warm bath, a weighted blanket, pain relievers, nothing helped. I finally resigned myself to crying along with her and trying to function on three hours of sleep a night. Not being able to comfort or help your own daughter is one of the worst feelings that a mom can ever feel.
My daughter’s nervous system is overactive. She experiences anxiety from dealing with the pain of subluxations and from being too bendy. Her neuromuscular response was one driven from a place of fatigue and overworked muscles. I had no idea what to do. I just wanted my baby to be happy. I wanted her to get the sleep she desperately needed.
Now, what I’m about to say is not the ravings of some crazed person who thinks essential oils cure every ailment under the sun. My daughter cannot change her genetics. I know that and I accept it. However, when I turned to essential oils, I was at the end of the proverbial rope. I was tired. I was heartbroken and I felt absolutely powerless to help my daughter. I started researching the oils that are good for neuromuscular support and found these two powerhouse oils that I would love to share with you and how we use them.
In our arsenal of tools of things that help my daughter cope with what I refer to as “all her crap” are Frankincense (Boswellia carteri) and Helichrysum (Helichrysum italicum)
Frankincense Carteri essential oil is a wonderful oil that is distilled from Middle Eastern or African gum resin. It has been used for thousands of years and not only will help scarring, provide emotional support, bruising, swelling and pain–it is also a wonderful immune support.
Helichrysum Italicum boosts immune function, is a natural anti-inflammatory and also very effective at providing emotional support.
How we use:
I have diluted the following oils at a .05-1% ratio. I apply a very thin layer of a carrier oil to her back.
I tip my diluted bottle over so there’s some onto my fingertip and I dab Helichrysum just up her spine.
From there I lightly massage the oils along her back. I’ve chosen to do this because it’s very gentle for her sensitive little body and it just relaxes her.
After I’ve massaged Helichyrsum I move on to Frankincense and do the same.
Those are just a couple of the oils that we have chosen for Neuromuscular Support (of or relating to nerves and muscles). Other calming oils we often reach for is Marjoram Sweet,Tansy Blue, Chamomile Roman and Lavender. (Note: If pain is also an issue be sure to check out Plant Therapy’s Child safe blends called Growing Pains and Tame the Pain.)
This is what helps her. I cannot promise it will help you. It has not healed her–it cannot. There is no cure for the problems that ails her. It has helped her cope. It has helped her obtain more restful sleep. For the first time since she started walking–she is sleeping. For the last month or so she has slept without screaming, she has gotten rest that she needed. She is happier during the day and though she still fatigues (as is common with her condition) she isn’t crying because she hasn’t slept in days.
I haven’t shared our story because I want to sell you oils. I want to share this because it has been a game changer for my daughter. There has been improvement in her quality of life by supporting her body with essential oils. She still has bad days but we’ll take any support for her that we can get.
Should you choose to to try essential oils, please follow safety precautions.
A safe dilution ratio would be 1% for children, pregnant women, those with special health concerns and the elderly. Generally speaking, a 2% dilution ratio is both effective and safe. One shouldn’t exceed 3% dilution ratio as there could be adverse reactions to the oils.
- 1% dilution: approximately 6 drops essential oil per ounce of carrier oil
- 2% dilution: approximately 12 drops essential oil per ounce of carrier oil
- 3% dilution: approximately 18 drops essential oil per ounce of carrier oil
I am not an aromatherapist but I try my best to provide the safest usage advice that I can. As I not yet qualified to give a professional opinion I would love to suggest Robert Tisserand’s Essential Oil Safety: A Guide for Health Care Professionals, The Complete Aromatherapy & Essential Oils Handbook for Everyday Wellness by Nerys Purchon and Lora Cantele and AROMATHERAPY FOR THE HEALTHY CHILD by Valerie Ann Worwood for further reading on aromatherapy usage and safety advice.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
I haven’t actually tried them yet but I have peppermint and lemon…I’m so glad you found something that helps her a bit!
Thank you for sharing from another zebra and EDS mama!
I came across your site. I’m so happy you have found EOs to help ease her symptoms. Thanks for sharing. I’m researching EDS as it may be a problem in our family. I don’t know yet. 3/5 family members in our immediate family are pretty hyper mobile among other symptoms. All 3 of us sleep a lot though. And all of us are adults.
I’m happy to talk any time! We currently have 3/6 kids diagnosed with the other three showing symptoms and awaiting my own diagnosis.
Sleeping a lot can be because of the chronic fatigue that goes on with EDSz