In ‘Words from the Heart‘ by Kathleen Fuller, Aunt Cevilla had met a man in her youth and fallen in love. He had nicknamed her Bunny. CJ had joined the military and went to fight in the Korean War. In one of his letters home to Bunny, CJ says that suffering “hones our faith and belief.” Was there a time when a trial you went through strengthened your faith?
In 2012, I lost a baby after I became infected with a common childhood illness, Fifths Disease. You can read about the loss of that baby here:
That time in my life is simultaneously one of the darkest and one of the brightest times of my life. I learned that loss can bring you closer to God. That His strength is made perfect in weakness and His peace passes all understanding.
My above post has all of the details and I’m reluctant to try to capture the same emotion and heart that blog was written with. So, if you’re inclined to read that, I’d be eternally grateful.
In summary, I’d like to share the lyrics of a song that fully sum up my faith.
Roy E. Coble, Jr. and Sydney G. Coble
Looking back through the years
The heartaches and tears
My Lord has never once let me down
Though I don’t understand
Still I trust in His plan
For He said that His grace would abound.
No need to doubt Him now
He’ll make a way somehow
Safely this far Jesus has brought me
No need to doubt Him now.
Child of God, have no fear
Though your path seems unclear
Some day God’s plan will unfold
He has never, never failed
He has always prevailed
The Lord is still in control.
No need to doubt Him now
He’ll make a way somehow
Safely this far Jesus has brought me
No need to doubt Him now.
Was there a time when a trial you went through strengthened your faith? Feel free to share your heart with me in the comments below!
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