Eye of the Sword: A Novel by Karyn Henley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
“Eye of the Sword” is book two in “The Angelaeon Circle” by Karyn Henley. I had a really hard time getting into this book at first because when I requested it, I did not realize it was part two in a series. However, once I got into it and pieced together the back story I really started to enjoy this book.
I think what drew me to this book was the front cover along with the quote on the back cover, “Where angels walk the ground and the future is told in song, does a man of low rank have a chance at love with a Princess?”
Our book chronicles the tale of Trevin. A young man who had once been a thief and a spy but has now been been promoted to a position of standing in the kingdom and is trying to make atonement for his past sins. He is in love with a beautiful princess, Melaia who is a Nephili – half angel, half human. Though she is in love with Trevin, her father has promised her to a vile Dregmoorian in hopes for a treaty between the kingdoms of Camrithia and Dregmoor.
Trevin is sent on a quest to return two missing harps to princess Melaia to fulfill a prophesy that a Nephili would restore the stairway to heaven. He must find success before she is given to marriage to Varic, the Dregmoorian prince, or else all chance of love for them is gone and she will be trapped in a loveless marriage. When he is accused of killing a young prince from Eldarra he must face the shame and guilt of his past and in doing so must also face the truth of his heritage.
I really enjoyed this book. It read as a fantasy/sci-fi story and although it has angels, I really see no Christian element to it, nor do I see any reason for it to be classified as Christian fiction. If you aren’t a Christian then you would still enjoy this book even though it reads of angels. The angels in this book are nothing but a mythical creature, not unlike any other mythical beings you might read about in a fantasy setting. The use of harps and music as a method of restoring pathways and a sword that sees the heart of a person greatly reminded me of The Legend of Zelda lore. Despite my original reservations about this book I really did enjoy it and I can’t wait to go back and read the first book in the series.
I received Eye of the Sword as a complimentary gift in exchange for review from Waterbrook Multnomah Publishers. My comments and opinions are my own.
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Looks like an interesting book! :)
I would like to thank you for an apsolutely increadible book giveaway, that i would love to have the oportunity of reading and reviewing! Thank you so much x
Email: lfountain1(at)hotmail(dot)co(dot)uk
After reading your review, I am thrilled with the opportunity to win and read this book!
Very good review!
It was really good, Melli!
Lucinda, LOVE your avatar ♥
Ty, Bobbie Jo!