Genres: Christian, Fiction, General, Historical, Romance
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Suggested Age: 17+
Genre: Christian,Historical Fiction
Over the last few years I’ve really became interested in historical fiction—particularly biblical fiction.
It helps me visualize the world, the setting and the characters when I’m doing my Bible reading. It helps me look at the Bible differently by bringing to life the characters I’ve read about.
This is the first book that I’ve read by this author and I thought it was pretty good. I would definitely read more of her stories. I liked that she provided scriptures in sections of the story so I could cross reference the Bible.

Have you ever really considered what it would be like for women who couldn’t conceive many years ago? Sarai longs for a child but she is barren. She loves her husband and the thought of sharing him is more than she can bear but how else will she obtain a child?
This book follows Sarai through her many emotions as she longs for a child and the disappointment that she surely felt as she watched servants or friends bear children.
Sarai doesn’t have the faith that Abram has and in utter desperation she does the only thing she knows to do. She gives her handmaid to her husband. If Abram loved Sarai so much then how could he have ever agreed to such a thing? Well, in those days there weren’t fertility doctors. Rather than trusting God and his promise Sarai took matters into her own hands and set out to procure a child via a surrogate.
I thought the book was pretty good. It helped make Sarai real to me. She was a real woman with real fears, hopes and struggles. The book read pretty fast and was interesting enough to keep me turning the pages.
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Jill Eileen Smith is the author of the Wives of the Patriarchs series featuring Sarai, Rebekah, and upcoming Rachel, (Releases 2-1-14) as well as, the bestselling author of Michal, Abigail, and Bathsheba, all part of The Wives of King David series published by Revell (Baker Publishing Group.)
Her writing has taken her from the Bible to Israel and she loves learning how women lived in Old Testament times. When she isn’t writing she can be found hanging out with family and friends, reading, bike-riding, testing new restaurants with her husband, or snuggling one of two adorable kitties. She lives with her family in southeast Michigan.
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