Let there be Light is a story that explores young creationists theories by telling the story of Bill, who travels back in time to the days of Noah. Now, I know there are people that would debate evolution/young creation with me and let me just say—not interested. While this book explores these ...
The Christmas Blessing|Book Review
No one does Christmas quite like Melody Carlson. Seriously, this woman belongs in the Christmas hall of fame for best Christmas novella collection. Each year my mother and I anxiously await our Christian book catalog so we can see what the new Melody Carlson book will be about. This year, I had ...
Lydia (Woman of Philippi)|Book Review
Lydia, Woman of Philippi tells the story of New Testament Lydia, a woman who specialized in purple dyes and was a convert of Christianity. I loved this cover, it really captured the character. Absolutely gorgeous! I'll admit that I picked up this book because of the cover and the character but I ...
Deadly Proof (Atlanta Justice #1)|Book Review
Deadly Proof is the first book that I've read by Rachel Dylan and I enjoyed it for the most part. I say "for the most part" because I was a little daunted by the fairly large cast of characters at first. I think this is more in part to the fact that I'm having some eye problems and I'm not up to my ...
Goodreads Monday
Goodreads Monday is a weekly meme hosted by Lauren’s Page Turners. To take part, you simply choose a random book from your TBR and show it off. Don’t forget to check out her blog and link back to Lauren’s Page Turners. I've owned this series for a while and never picked it up—even though I ...