I’ve been itching to pick up the rest of these and was so excited that I was selected to review the series! I literally couldn’t put these down. I was obsessively reading to figure out what would happen with Luke and Meredith and at times nervously worried they might not make it back to one ...
The Guardian|Book Review
It’s no secret that I love returning to Hickory Hollow and I will do so any chance that I get! Each new book that comes out—I rush through until I get to the parts with Ella Mae. I just love her and I can’t get enough of her wisdom! I adore the spunk and tenacity that she possesses. Of ...
Katie’s Journey to Love by Jerry S. Eicher|Fiction
Jerry Eicher is quickly becoming a favorite author of mine! Many times with male authors I feel like they miss the mark when they write about female characters but Eicher doesn’t fall into this trap. His characters are realistic and likeable. The situations and feelings he puts to paper come alive ...
Unbreakable|Book Review
I think I liked this book better than the first. I did think some of it was entirely too similar though so I couldn’t quite give it a 5 star rating. Don't mistake my honesty as expressing a dislike as I really did enjoy the story despite a few shortcomings I thought that book had. For one, I thought ...
Katie Opens Her Heart by Jerry Eicher|Fiction
Another fantastic book by Jerry Eicher! This is book one in the Emma Raber’s Daughter series. The next book, Katie’s Journey to Love is expected to release in Aril 2013. I will definitely be picking it up. I did think that this story started a little slow but it was well worth it because the drama ...