I know you're probably wondering why the world I'd be reviewing a Christmas story in April but I'd received for Christmas and decided to pick it up! Besides, anyone that knows me knows that I love Christmas any time of year. I really loved Anna Mae but I connected more with Kathryn. I ...
Room for Hope by Kim Vogel Sawyer|Fiction
I really loved this book and I actually was torn on whether I should give this a 4 or a 5 star rating so I went with 4.5 stars. I loved all the characters in this book and honestly, I was very torn on who Neva should romance. It is my indecisiveness that makes me give this a 4.5. Should ...
A Daring Sacrifice by Jody Hedlund|Book Review
I thought I loved an Uncertain Choice but honestly, this is probably the very best YA book I've EVER read. You read that right...the BEST YA book I've ever read. Everyone knows that I don't read YA fiction very often but when I do, I love it. The Hunger Games and Anomaly for example both pop into ...
The Christmas Joy Ride by Melody Carlson|Book Review
The Christmas Joy Ride by Melody Carlson was a super great read that definitely deserves 5+stars. The Characters, Christmas Joy and Miranda made a great team and brought so much spunk to this witty Christmas tale, Joy was almost eighty-six when she and Miranda set out to ...
Luther and Katharina by Jody Hedlund|Book Review
Luther and Katharina is a fictional account of Katharina Von Bora, the woman who would become the wife of the protestant leader, Doctor Luther. I've sat on writing this review for a while...in fact, since October. Now, I have had some things going on in life that honestly just pulled me ...