"The Fiddler" by Beverly Lewis takes us back to the heart of Hickory Hollow. A quaint Amish community, home to the beloved but shunned Katie Lapp from Lewis' famous book "The Shunning." In this book, we meet Amelia Devries, a very accomplished classical violinist who, much to the disdain of her ...
Review:The Telling
The Telling is part 3 in the Seasons of Grace trilogy by Beverly Lewis and it is absolutely the best out of the three. I bawled through half of the story because it was just so beautiful! In this book, Grace and her new friend Heather take off to Ohio in search of Grace's mother who has left her ...
The Missing by Beverly Lewis|Book Review
The Missing is part two in the Seasons of Grace trilogy and picks up where "The Secret" left off. Lettie Byler has left her family to search for the baby she gave up as a young girl and her family has no idea where she is or why she has left. Only her parents know of Lettie's secret and they are ...
Review: The Secret
"The Secret" by Beverly Lewis is the first book in the "Seasons of Grace" series. This book chronicles the lives of the Byler family. In this book, as the title suggests, we find out that one of the characters has a foreboding secret. I am usually a big fan of Lewis but for some reason I am not very ...
Review: The Revelation
The Revelation is the final chapter in the Abram's Daughters series. A very suspenseful conclusion, I must say! All secrets came out in this book, including one you may have already suspected but will still be shocked to read. We see how deceit and lies of one person can affect the lives of an ...