Let there be Light is a story that explores young creationists theories by telling the story of Bill, who travels back in time to the days of Noah. Now, I know there are people that would debate evolution/young creation with me and let me just say—not interested. While this book explores these ...
It Was the Night Before Christ’s Birth|Book Review
I took this book because the cover is gorgeous. The blues and purples appealed to me and I thought my little ones would enjoy this book. Unfortunately, they were disappointed to discover that half of the pages lack illustrations. While the story is a beautiful one—the ...
If He Had Not Come|Book Review
If He Had Not Come is a great little book. At only 36 pages long, this book explores a world in which Christ hasn't redeemed. How would our world be without His influence and redemption? In this book, a young boy wakes up on Christmas morning to discover that Christ had not ...