Note: Kristin reads and reviews both Christian and secular fiction on A Simply Enchanted Life. Out of respect for my readers, I am including a content review. This content review will help you decide whether this book is suitable for you. Christian or Secular: Christian ASEL Rating: mild ...
The Gift by Shelley Shepard Gray |Book Review
Note: Kristin reads and reviews both Christian and secular fiction on A Simply Enchanted Life. Out of respect for my readers, I am including a content review. This content review will help you decide whether this book is suitable for you. Content Review: Christian or Secular: ...
Her Secret by Shelley Shepard Gray|Book Review
Her Secret is the first book in The Amish of Hart County series by Shelley Shepard Gray. This suspenseful novel, while a very good read, left me wanting more. With larger print and at 247 pages, I felt that this read more as a novella than as a full length novel. What I did love about this ...