People ask me often how I keep my focus and read so many books. The answer is simple—I love to read and I take comfort in it. I choose to read instead of watching television. I am also a fast reader. However, from time to time I do have trouble with focus. It isn't often that I have this ...
Favorite Holiday Diffuser Blends|Aromatherapy
The holiday season is upon us. The build-up began way back in fall when Christmas started to appear in the stores. The lead into Thanksgiving was languishing, giving the impression that there was all the time in the world. Thanksgiving was yesterday, right? Suddenly we are T-minus less than two ...
Oh Conifers, Oh Conifers…|Aromatherapy
Tis the season for nasty seasonal ailments. Ailments that leave you feeling tired, sore, and clogged up with a buncha nastiness. The world this time of year is a giant melting pot of viruses, bacteria, and many other germs just waiting to pounce on everyone that encounters them. So… what can you ...