Now for the questions! Reading in bed or on the couch? Both. I read on the couch during the day and then take a book to bed. Male main character or female main character? Honestly, either. Trilogies or quartets? I like trilogies and then a spin-off if the series was amazing! First person POV ...
Weekly Wrap Up: Week 37
Ugh, I was doing so great with getting ahead on my reading and guess what? I read a dud and it took me all week to read it. Now I'm having to read a book for this upcoming WEEK. I hate it when I'm reading for the week that I'm reviewing something! UGH! Don't you hate it when you pick up a dud and it ...
Weekly Wrap Up: Week 36
We are at 36/52 weeks completed in 2017! Crazy, right? This past week has been a bit busy and brought some exciting things to our family. 1. I'm now mama to a seven-year-old! SEVEN! Where did the time go? I can't believe my next to youngest is seven. It doesn't seem remotely possible 2. I'm ...
Monthly Wrap Up: April 2017
April has flown by! I really cannot believe that we are going into the fifth month of the year already. It feels like Christmas just passed! Last month I talked about some of the stuff going on in our personal life. We made a trek to Winston-Salem for my oldest daughter's tilt-table test and it is ...