The Cat That God Sent by Jim Kraus
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I’ll admit that I picked up this book because of how cute the cover is and because I’m an animal lover. I have three cats of my own so I was immediately interested in reading this book. I also got a chance to read “The Dog that Talked to God” as a part of the same Litfuse Group blog tour. I had never read anything by the author so I was a tiny bit scared but I couldn’t resist the incredibly CUTE covers.

This story is about a minister of a small town church who is trying to rekindle his faith in the Lord. On his first day on the job the Lord sends him a cat to him for companionship. Through Petey (the cat), he meets the local veterinarian—a woman with no faith at all! However, he is intrigued by her and they begin to see each other for an occasional date.
Then a young woman named Tassy enters into the lives of the small community. Tassy has broken up with her boyfriend and is struggling to find her way in life (and a job) her role in this story is minor but also a key component in Petey fulfilling his role in the story.
Honestly, I liked the story up until the end. I thought that the veterinarian showed her true side and it wasn’t very nice. I don’t think she would have changed as fast as she did after the stunts she pulled and I was very disappointed that the preacher still ended up with her. Being an unequally yoked relationship with a bitter woman who showed how vindictive she could be would be a great burden to anyone but especially to a minister.
The ending felt rushed. Perhaps if the veterinarian had showed a gradual repentance and change in her heart for the harms she was determined to cause then I could have connected more and been more satisfied with the ending. As it felt rushed to me—I could only give this story a 4 star rating. It was a tough decision for me because I enjoyed the book up until the end. Overall? Cute story for any cat lover and a fairly quick read!
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Jim Kraus grew up in Western Pennsylvania and has spent the last twenty years as a vice president of a major Christian publishing house. He has written more than twenty books and novels, including the best-selling The Dog That Talked to God. He and his family live outside of Chicago with a sweet miniature Schnauzer and an ill-tempered Siberian cat named (of course) Petey.

I received this book free from the publisher through a fantastic program called Litfuse Publicity. I was not required to write a positive review. The thoughts and opinions I have expressed are my own. To view other reviews and learn more about this tour please visit the Litfuse group by clicking here
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