I received a complimentary copy of this book from Tyndale and was under no obligation to post a review. No compensation was received for sharing this review and all opinions are my own.

Published by Tyndale House Publishers on October 3rd 2017
Source: Tyndale
Genres: Bible Stories, Children's Books
Pages: 248
The Bible is so much more than a collection of stories.It is the overarching message of God's love for us and a practical guide to daily living. So often our littlest children hear these stories but miss out on how to apply the principles to their lives. The Character Builder's Bible highlights core character traits that the Bible teaches and suggests fun, practical ways to live out these truths so that little minds can understand. Each Bible narrative is told simply, is tied to a positive attribute like obedience or humility, and is followed with a real-life example of how kids can apply the lesson in their own lives.
Featuring 60 Bible stories with colorful illustrations, definitions, and memory verses, The Character Builder's Bible will show your little ones that God's Word is relevant to their lives and will help you instill biblical character in their hearts.
Note: Kristin reads and reviews both Christian and secular fiction on A Simply Enchanted Life. Out of respect for my readers, I am including a content review. This content review will help you decide whether this book is suitable for you.
Content Review:
Christian or Secular: Christian.
The Character Builder’s Bible is beautifully illustrated and written. Each Bible story has a clear reference given for the scripture the story is taken from. After each story there is a character trait lesson with an example of how the story may relate to your child.
I loved that the characters were racially diverse in this book. The illustrations really are so beautifully done.
One thing I did notice is that some of the character traits were not actual character traits. Easter is an example of this. How is Easter a character trait? I feel like the book lost focus with this near the end. However, little ones aren’t going to nitpick over this. It’s still a good book—one of our new favorites.
My children’s thoughts:
K (age 7):
“Oooh! I love the pictures. Maybe one day I can draw like that!”
“I liked reading this book.”
“This book reminded me that I needed to clean my toys up. Sometimes I’m not very kind and I don’t listen well. I’m sorry, mama.”
“My favorite story was the one about baby Jesus. The picture for that story was really cute.”
A (age 4):
“I like the Jonah story! The whale ate him!”
“I learned about kindness in Sunday School! Maybe my teacher read-ed this book!”
“Will you read this book again? I liked it.”
Do you have any favorite Bible story books for children? We are always looking to add to our collection so leave your recommendations below!
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