Hello, everyone! A week or so ago the amazingly kind (and insightful) blogger over at This is my Truth Now tagged me in this. James has been incredibly supportive of my blogging and kind to me in general. Be sure to head over to his blog to check it out! Many thanks to James for the nomination and to Liv at The Cramm for creating this award.
- Include a little bit about who created this award (with a link) and mention the person the who nominated you. (See above)
- Share 3 things that motivate you to blog and share 3 people that motivate you to blog as well
- Share one thing you hope to do that will improve the world.
- Answer your challenge question
- Nominate your choice of bloggers and give them a challenge question.
Blogging Motivators
- A love for connecting with other booklovers.
- Connecting with authors and sharing their new releases with others
- Like James, the future motivates me. The ability to express myself and also build a community of readers that come together through the love of books. I need to be fairly vague with this but I definitely have big plans and yes—it will involve the booklover community.
People That Motivate Me
- My biggest fans. That would be my children. I had a celebrity follow me recently on Twitter. I won’t say who but my teenage daughter fangirled over me for several days. Exclaiming to her friends that her mom was followed by this person. I’m blessed because I hear my kids tell their friends about their mom getting to meet authors or about how I got another autographed book. They are proud of me and that feels good. I would include my besties in this category as well. Because, they’re the bees knees.
- Book loving bloggers. The kind that sees my site and geeks out because—BOOKS. Not the kind that says, “Ick, not my kind of books!”
- Dishonest reviewers. I see them a lot in publicity groups. They give five stars because the book was free—even if undeserving. Yes, those people motivate me. The truth is very important to me. I’d like to share a favorite quote…
“Standing for truth is everything. Truth is power. Don’t ever forget that.”
― Terry Goodkind, The First Confessor
How I would improve the world
I believe that great harm can come from even the greatest of intentions. Thus, I’m not concerned with “improving the world.” Improving the world comes from improving ourselves. I’m trying to raise my children with the same philosophy. Again, I’d like to quote Goodkind…
“Your life is yours alone, rise up and live it.”
― Terry Goodkind, Faith of the Fallen
We need to start focusing on improving ourselves before we can ever hope to improve the world. Change starts in our own hearts and in our own lives.
Challenge Question
James asked, “If you could join the “TEAM” who’d be changing the world, what role would you play?”
My answer: I would be the librarian or the Historian. Because I have a book quote for nearly everything…
In books we would find the answer to save/change the world. Thus, we’d need a librarian to find the books. Historians to remind us of our past—so we could learn from it. Perhaps avoid the mistakes of our past.
My Nominees Are
Jolie at Life of a Crazy Mom
Alecia at cherished
Fizzy at Fizzy Pop Collection
Amy & at Eat, Read, Teach
Sassy at Alternative-Read
Question for my Nominees:
Has a book ever changed your life? What book was it and how did it influence you?
Hello! You are very welcome and deserving. Loved your answers. Especially your insights on dishonest reviewers and how your kids make you the heroine. And you are. Now I need to know which famous star is following you!!! thank you for your kind words about me. :)
You’re welcome to stalk my twitter followers :D If you can even do that. I admit, I rarely log into Twitter to know if you can view another person’s followers.
Ha. I know the feeling. Too many social media sites. I lose track!
I mostly just use here, goodreads and facebook :)
I get lost there too!
one of these days I’ll get to this challenge!!