Oops! I’m a day late on my wrap and I missed Reflections today. I apologize! There’s some big stuff that has been going on in my life that I’m not free to share yet.
Oh and I think I had the worst reading week for this year. I didn’t finish a single book! YIKES!
- [8 Apr] Reflections
- [9 Apr] Goodreads Monday
- [9 Apr] The Mystery at Lilac Inn by Carolyn Keene ★★★★★
- [10 Apr] The Weaver’s Daughter by Sarah E. Ladd ★★★★★
- [10 Apr] Top 5 books I LOVED that others DIDN’T
- [11 Apr] Wordless Wednesday:Wish
- [11 Apr] The Push by Patrick Gray & Justin Skeesuck ★★★★★
- [12 Apr] Wintersong by S. Jae-Jones ★
- [12 Apr] Sweet Valley High: Dear Sister Q&A
- [13 Apr] Crosscurrent by Catherine Jones Payne ★★★★★
2018 Reading Challenge
53 books completed
26 book ahead of schedule
53/104 (51%)
View Challenge
Reading Goals this Week
Note: Community Finds are also missing this week due to circumstances that took me away from blog work this week. Please bear with me but I will explain soon! <3
Since I didn’t have time to read blogs this week, could you please share your favorites with me?
26 books ahead… wow! Lol.
Will you be upping your Goodreads challenge number?
Maybe, maybe not. I may have to slow down on my fiction reading soon. Details forthcoming (maybe).