I read five books this week! AGAIN! I’m kind of in shock but I’ll chalk it up to the ridiculous amount of appointments the kids have had lately. As some of you know, most of my reading time is when I have appointments that I need to go to. When I’m home, I have to adult, clean house and all of that stuff.
Anyway, let me give a quick life update. Some of you are aware that hubby and I are interested in relocating to the coast. Family was previously not aware but things have changed and they’re actually supportive. So, life might be going through some changes as my inlaws are committed to helping us reach our goal! I’ll keep you all updated on this as things unfold.
Piper’s still recovering from her surgery. All the staples are out and she is returning to PT this upcoming week so please keep her in your thoughts and prayers!
So, with that being said, let’s take a look at the blog and book related stuff!
- [18 Feb] Reflections
- [19 Feb] Goodreads Monday
- [20 Feb] Judah’s Wife (The Silent Years Book #2) by Angela Hunt ★★★★½
- [21 Feb] Wordless Wednesday
- [21 Feb] Murder Simply Brewed by Vannetta Chapman ★★★★★
- [22 Feb] Power play by Francine Pascal ★
- [22 Feb] Missing by Shelley Shepard Gray ★★★★
- [23 Feb] Spring Cleaning with Essential Oils (Part 1)
2018 Reading Challenge
30 books completed
15 book ahead of schedule
Progress: 30/104 (29%)
View Challenge
Currently Reading
Reading Goals this Week
Interesting stuff from the book community
(some of my favorites of the week!)
Bookstagram: Should I Stay or Should I Go? | book chat by Chelsea @romweasley
Egyptomania +And how does this pertain to my current WIP by gehistorian
Flights of Fancy | Big News for Birdie by Birdie (squee!!! I love these kinds of updates from bloggers!)
Free Printable Planner Stickers: St Patricks Day by Julia
Top 5 Tuesday – March topics! by Shanah – Bionic Book Worm
How was your week? February is nearly over. What are you looking forward to reading in the month of March? Let me know in the comments below!
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