38 weeks down in the year and this past week was good for my reading mojo! Meaning, I finished all three books that I intended! Woot woot! I’m so proud of myself! So, I’ll give a quick recap on real life before I get back to the good stuff.
Two of the girls had eye appointments this week and we found out their vision had worsened. They both needed new prescriptions. I swear, I cloned these children. They have none of the hubby’s good genes. Thanks, EDS…that is Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome.
While we were getting the kids checked out, I happened to mention that my vision is getting fairly blurry. I was just to the eye doctor a few months ago but I can tell something is going on. I had iLasik in 2009 but had to go back into glasses last year. This year they thought I would do okay with holding off for another year for a new script. Until the last month or so… I can’t see much out of my right eye now. Well, the doctor (knowing my history) decided to check my eyes out and they’re worried I’m developing cataracts! Geez, I’m only in my thirties. So, I’m back to the doctor next week for a more in-depth exam.
I asked if my obsessive reading can cause my vision decline and the doctor said, “No, not likely.” So, at least I don’t need to worry about scaling back! Anyway, on to the good stuff…
Upcoming Reviews
Like last week, I’m writing for THIS week. Since I’m trying to get back ahead and don’t have a calendar to copy, I’ll just say that I have four new reviews coming this week. Since I’ve already read them all, I hope ahead of schedule and able to share my itenerary for the next week!
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